Schluderns /Sluderno
Circular walk with a visit to the Churburg castle
At a glance: A visit to the Churburg castle/Castel Coira in Schluderns/Sluderno is one of the highlights for anyone interested in history. Visitors will have the opportunity to admire valuable furnishings and a unique collection of arms. The walk takes you to the castle, then along the Schludernser Waalweg (irrigation channel path) above the river Saldurbach back to the village. There are numerous restaurants in Schluderns/Sluderno
Best time: walkable throughout the year, best time in early spring and autumn
Joys: a peaceful area, an easy Waalweg (irrigation channel path) in the shade and a wonderful castle with magnificent views to the Ortles (3899 m)
Efforts: easy walk with gentle ascents to the castle and to the Waalweg, suitable for everybody. Total walking time: 2,5 hours. Can also be done in half a day without visiting the castle.
Starting point: Schluderns/Sluderno (920 m) im Obervinschgau/in the Upper Vinschgau Valley